More on Carolyn Meinel's Research Project:
Should we launch an AI Alignment careers newsletter?
I'm an award winning tech journalist and machine learning researcher.
I launched a newsletter, L-5 News, that grew into a magazine that helped people build careers in space technology. That magazine, rebranded Ad Astra after a merger, is still going strong.
My Guides to (mostly) Harmless Hacking newsletter evolved into four editions of The Happy Hacker book and two editions of Uberhacker! helping people build computer security careers.
A successful newsletter needs three things:
- An unmet need
- News sources that enable readers to meet this need
- Ability to reach those who need this news
In the case of this proposed AI Alignment Careers newsletter:
- Need: We can help employers discover why they need AI Alignment professionals.
- Need: Job hunting help.
- Networking
- Planning long-term career strategies
- Avoiding or escaping toxic workplaces
- MATS mentors can't do all of this or help all AI Alignment graduates.
- News sources:
- A forecasting competition could encourage sharing of breaking job hunt news, example here.
- Might MATS mentors give interviews?
- Might MATS mentors propose forecasting questions?
- Graduates can anonymously report harmful experiences.
- Ability to reach readers: If BlueDot, MATS, might agree to sponsor us, we can reach hundreds of professionals.
- We are experienced at crafting publicity to recruit employers concerned about AI Alignment.
The competition (or a collaborator of this proposed newsletter?)
From INFER, a project of RAND, a question relevant to AI Alignment job seekers:
By 31 December 2024, will Microsoft announce that its AI Research Lab in China is closing or being relocated? (Link to this question)
Below, an automated summary and analysis of forecaster rationales on this AI lab:
Previous INFER questions relevant to AI Alignment:
(I am a part time contractor of INFER.)
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